Do you practice servant leadership?
There are many traits of successful people that we need to have in order to achieve success: Authenticity, Charismatic, Ambitious & Servant Leadership. What stands out most for you?
Leaders Eat Last authored by Simon Sinek
One of the quotes from the book by Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last, “the true price of leadership is the willingness to place the needs of others above your own. Great leaders truly care about those they are privileged to lead and understand that the true cost of the leadership privilege comes at the expense of self-interest.”
I am a firm believer of this philosophy, and whenever I meet like-minded people who exemplify this trait, I make it a point to hang out with these people. One of the many that I see strongly exhibiting this trait is the founder of DSA Onstage Performance Academy, Estina Chong.
She always made it a point to add value to even her friends including myself, and one particular instance was during the launch of GStock - I was trying to find a rehearsal venue for my talents: Joel, Joyce, Daniel & Gwen at the last minute, and Estina generously loaned her academy space to me, not once but twice.
This is possibly one of the many amazing reasons on why her academy was able to produce outstanding youth talents such as Estovan & Estian .
Youth Talents Estovan & Estian (Inside DSA Onstage)
Estovan is only 10 years old, but has acted in a lot of shows and participated in a number of performances, as well as winning the 1st prize in American Protégé and other international competitions.
Estian is incredible as well, being only 5 years old, he has won himself the Most Outstanding Performer Award and the Honorary Award for Excellent Singer for an International Competition that he participated in August 2019. He is also usually the youngest performer for any show, but does it excellently.
Quote from Tony Robbins
I am a firm believer that success usually leaves clues that we can follow, and it is clear that Estina’s strong traits of servant leadership - to give unconditionally helped to built the success of her youth talents along with the growth of the performance academy.
Left To Right: Brandon Chong, Estian, Caryn Cheng, Joel Low, Estovan, Stanley Kan & Valerie Chiam
In fact, while attending the launch party of DSA Onstage, I learnt that this academy was not setup for profit but rather to extend a platform to all the kids within the academy to have the opportunity to have real world performances out there.
This includes even dancing for non-profit movements such as Singapore Kindness Movement, or semi corporate shows whereby their youth talents are given the opportunity to perform live etc.
With such a wonderful servant leadership & the spirit of giving embedded within this kids performance academy DNA, it is almost impossible not to attain growth and eventually steady success, because organisations even like my own - would love to work with such an empowering academy.
As a fellow wonderer of life, if I had to pick and choose the trait that will accelerate my own pathway to make it in this game of life, I would say my top priority would be servant leadership.
This is because we truly grow only when we make it a point to serve without expectation, and we will gradually achieve the magic of givers’ gain.