Event Planning Reflection: Launch of GStock
On 18th January 2020, GStock , a revolutionary virtual supermarket was officially launched, and there was over 150 pax made up of seasoned artistes, influencers, industry partners & media friends who had graced GStock’s opening banquet celebration.
GStock Launch - Group Photo With Some Media Friends (Credits: Celestia Faith Chong)
The launch was extremely successful, and we managed to achieve the awareness that we are looking for, with over 100+ Instagram Stories coverage and perhaps some upcoming mainstream media buzz.
GStock was not just another online shopping platform that just merely provided online shopping convenience or more discounts & rebates, but rather offered every shopper an opportunity to build a secondary income stream through converting other shoppers to buy from their unique GStock referral links (literally empowering everyday people to be an influencer)
Key Unique Selling Proposition of GStock
The process to achieve this effect, was not that straightforward - it was literally an upheaval battle everyday to accomplish the impossible - have an amazing brand launch within 1 month.
There were almost daily conversations between every single vendor involved along with the GStock marketing team, on top of that we had to squeeze multiple drama rehearsals (plus numerous revisions for the GStock’s drama script numerous times to ensure that the drama conveyed their unique selling points effectively).
On top of that we had to juggle between inviting our media friends, influencers, film makers as well as industry partners, along with making sure the event flow stays at the top of the game.
Whoever that said that PR & Event Planning was an easy journey, must have not experienced the challenges behind last minute changes/challenges (also known as Murphy’s Law). To achieve a memorable show, many resources in terms of manpower, capital & logistics need to be poured in to make it work out.
GStock Brand Launch Hosted By UFM 100.3 & Professional Emcee, Lee Qing Hong
Something I have learned along the way of being part of the Marketing, PR & Events industry for the past 9 years, it is not about how paper certification or the number of working years that we have, but rather our level of creative thinking as well as how adaptable we truly are to changes - that determines the level of success.
Today if you are thinking of jumping onto the bandwagon of the PR & Events industry, I would highly recommend for us to to put practical experiences as a priority instead of just pursuing paper qualifications blindly.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not discouraging education, but just sharing from my own humble experiences as a fellow wonderer of life without degree qualifications, that practical experiences is the key to achieve success for this industry.